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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm that Friend, the girl

I don’t know how to be anyone else. I’m just me and me doesn’t know how to flirt, be sexy, or even dress in high fashion clothes.
I can’t be the girl with the huge tits, perfect skin, or mesmerizing eyes.
 I can’t make men fall in love with me with just a smile.
I can’t be that beautiful girl you saw walking down the street that you just couldn’t take your eyes off of.
But I can be the perfect friend.
I can be that friend who makes silly faces at you when you’re feeling down.
I can be the friend that rubs your back when you’re heaving your guts out in the toilet.
You see…I’m that friend, that girl that you always call when life is dreary and its 28 degrees outside and your gorgeous girlfriend cheated on you for like the millionth time.
When you have a dirty little secret…
When you want to dance in the rain….
When you want a shoulder to lean on….
I’m that friend, you know, that girl.
The friend who never has a boyfriend.
The friend who didn’t have a date to senior prom but went anyway.
The friend who hates being a third wheel but tagged along on your dates just because you asked.
The friend that smiled at your girlfriend even though she doesn’t deserve you.
I’m that friend, you know that girl who sits alone on rainy nights and stares at the stars.
That girl who keeps telling herself that maybe, just maybe he will want me.
The girl who is strong in her faith, but weak in her spirit.
I’m that friend, that girl.
So remember that when she breaks your heart again and your falling asleep on my couch in a drunken slumber whispering how great of a friend…girl, I really am.

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